Sendung 03/2001

vom 15.01.2001

Interview: Kante
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90 Day MenExploration vs. SolutionSouthern Rec./Efa
Felix KubinTime Accidently KillsStorage/Hausmusik
InterpolPDAChemikal Underground/Zomba
Geoff FarinaSpecial DiamondsSouthern Rec./Efa
SmogI Was A StrangerDomino/Zomba
Songs OhiaThe Body Burns AwaySecretly Canadian/Cargo
EuphoneShut ItJade Tree/Cargo
ElliotCalm AmericansRevelation Rec
Add N To XLittle Black Rocks In...Mute/Connected
Add N To XKingdon Of ShadesMute/Connected
EchoboyKit & MollyMute/Connected
Les DickensonsFunny GirlQueerbeat Rec
Reel Big Fish.Sell OutMojo Rec.
Frankie SparoA Citizen...Constellation/Hausmusik
K.C. AccidentalsThem (Pop Song # ...Noise Factory/Hausmusik
KanteLive At The Electric...Kitty-Yo/Efa
Catpain Kirk &PusherWhat‘s So Funny About
Charles MingusFreedomImpulse Rec.
Carlton & The ShoesForward JerusalemStudio 1
Kante ft. Fred von MingIm Ersten LichtKitty-Yo/Efa
MingDisco NovoDoxa Rec./Cargo
Music At Ituri ForestBoard Zither, Banguana TribeFolksway Rec.
Robert WyattAt Least I‘m FreeRough Trade